Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tobacco 'n' Things

I smoke tobacco...I roll my own cigarettes...I have been doing this for favourite cigarette is in the morning...the very first of the day...kick starts the lungs you see ?

Silly people who smoke tailor made cigarettes are often horrified at this...they think that roll-ups are too strong because they have no filter...but tailor made ciggies are full of nasty chemicals and bits of wood and stuff that doesn't belong in tobacco...and it's this that gives you cancer...not the government would like people to believe.

The government of my country are banning cigarette smoking in all bars and restaurants...and pretty soon they'll extend that ban to smoking in all public places methinks.

Apparently the second-hand smoke...or fumes...give people who don't smoke cancer...the government call this passive smoking...luckily for us all...the fumes and toxins emitted from cars and lorries are not a problem...or else they'd ban driving...wouldn't they ?

I was angry at this smoking ban...but the politicians are only thinking of what's best for us...and our prime minister Tony is a nice guy...because the government show lots of adverts on TV telling you about the dangers of smoking...along with handy phone numbers for you to call if you want to quit...I think that perhaps Tony loves us all.

The government also run ads on TV about the dangers of drinking to excess...and eating too much junk food and they must care...that's also why Tony invaded Iraq...because that nasty man over there had weapons of mass destruction...and he was a liar and dictator.

No weapons were found...but I am sure that Tony knows what he's doing as he cares deeply for us all...doesn't he ?

I also think that it's only fair that although a smoking ban will apply to us Westminster...where the politicians that passed the anti smoking bill work...they will still be allowed to smoke in the bars and things...after all...they are under a lot of stress trying to keep us all healthy and on the right track.

It's reassuring in this age of cynicism and double standards to know that my government loves it's people.


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