Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Country

Getting bored of the city...I ran down the road until I came to the country...grass and trees and cows and wee birds in park was this...but rather...cultivated land...farming land...the countryside.

I frolic'd in the fields...the wind blowing in my hair...whilst cows looked on in idle curiosity...chewing the cud.

" Moo! " said I...and laughed quietly to myself.

Occasionally...I'd huddle the dry stone dyke that ran the length of this better escape the worst of the effects of the fresh air...still allowing myself time to take in the scenery by snatching furtive glances over the wall...

" Isn't nature beautiful " I thought.

When night fell...I ran skipping down country lanes and clambouring over hedges...eager now to be home...where finally I'd assume my position by the against the worst of the effects of the fresh air.

For it's here I sit of an within my walls...with my loved ones...each of us in our positions...where we regale each other with tales of the world outside...and descriptions of scenarios we've faced during the day.

Sometimes...prior to drawing the curtains of an evening...above the streetlights haze...a solitary star winks...


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