Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Playpark

In my Playpark I'd ride on my Mood minute I'd swing to a mood of extreme self pity...the next to a mood of extreme anger...

Then I'd go on the See-Saw...more of the minute I'd be up...the next I'd be down...

After that it would be the Roundabout...all spinning head drunk and dizzily sick...

The Climbing Frame in my Playpark gave me a sense of actually going somewhere for a while...but I soon tired of that also...

I preferred the easy it was to get high and just bury your head in the sand...

The thought often came to me that I should just leave this Playpark...

Exit stage left.

I'd see others riding the swings in their playparks...couples on the see-saw...folk climbing the social frame...people building castles made of sand...

But not me. Too serious you see ? Way too sensitive and serious to actually partake in anything.

Then one day I looked around at where I was. I mean...I really looked.


Ahhh ! Thought I. They key word in all this is play

And I've been playing ever since !

Once I lived on the lip of insanity...

Wanting to know reasons...

Knocking on a door...

It opened.

I'd been knocking from the inside.